Mission Statement

电子游戏试玩公共安全部门通过为学生维护一个安全的环境来支持大学的使命和核心价值观, faculty, staff, and visitors with respect for others and for the law. 我们致力于在我们多元化的社区内建立关系和合作,以促进安全和执行法律.


Indiana State University Police Car
  • Enforcement of Federal, State, and Local Laws
  • Enforcement of University Policies
  • Criminal Investigations
  • Personal and Facility Security
  • Vehicle Crash Investigations
  • Emergency Medical Assistance
  • Public Safety Communications Systems
  • Emergency Disaster Preparedness Planning
  • Traffic Regulation and Control
  • Vehicle, Bike, Utility Vehicle and Foot Patrol of University Property
  • Crime Prevention and Awareness Programs

Safety Information

活跃枪手是指在人口密集地区积极从事杀人或试图杀人的人,通常使用枪支. In some cases, 主动射击者使用其他武器和/或简易爆炸装置(IED)造成伤害,并阻碍执法和紧急服务反应人员. There may be no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, 要求立即部署执法资源,制止枪击,减轻对无辜受害者的伤害.

被劫持或被封锁的情况通常持续较长时间,通常没有持续的伤害或生命损失. These situations are often managed through the deployment of specialized units, as time allows. Both hostage and barricaded subject situations can rapidly shift to Active Shooter situations and vice versa.


  • If a safe path is available, run. Always try and escape or evacuate even if others insist on staying. Encourage others to leave with you but don't let the indecision of others slow down your own effort to escape. Once you are out of the line of fire, try to prevent others from walking into the danger zone and call 9-1-1


  • If you can't get out safely, find a place to hide. When hiding, turn out lights, remember to lock doors and silence your ringer and vibration mode on your cell phone.


  • As a last resort, working together or alone, act with aggression, use improvised weapons to disarm the shooter. Commit to taking the shooter down.

Police officers responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard; their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible. They may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms, or external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical equipment. The officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, or handguns, and might be using pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.

Remain calm, do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them. Put down bags or packages you may be carrying and keep your hands visible; if you know where the shooter is, tell the officers.

The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people; rescue teams composed of other officers and emergency medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons. Keep in mind that even once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene; police will usually not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Until you are released, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.

The ISU Police Department trains for these types of threats. Also, 在我们准备好的演示中,我们可以推荐安全标准,这些标准将提高你在枪击事件中的生存机会.

For more information contact ISU Police Administrative Assistant Missy Allen Ext 7829 or Melisa.Allen@musclexercise.com

Remote video URL

Emergency Response Planning

  • 每个部门都应该打印出他们的应急响应计划,并在方便的地方保存一份,以便员工知道它在哪里.
  • Action plan and train with employees after reviewing your Plan. It is a good idea to hold a practice drill as often as necessary to keep employees prepared.
  • Know your building coordinator and their contact information. 在紧急情况下,这是你所在大楼的联系人,他会在紧急情况下做出必要的决定.
  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Building Coordinator Information

  • Where campus emergency phone numbers are posted
  • The location of fire alarms in your building
  • The location of fire extinguishers
  • Where to seek shelter when an alarm sounds or whether to leave the building
  • Know your evacuation routes when an emergency occurs
  • Where Blue Light phones are located on campus (Campus Map)


The Blue Light Phone System provides a direct link to the Public Safety Department and to 911 services. The "Push for Help" button should be used in emergency situations. The "Info" button should be used for non-emergency situations, such as escort requests, battery jump requests, vehicle lockouts, and to report minor incidents. For additional information on the Blue Light Phone System, contact University Police at (812) 237-5555.

ISU Police Dispatch - (812) 237-5555

Emergencies - 911

When reporting a crime provide the communications officer with as much information as possible, such as:

  • the location of the incident
  • a description of people involved: hair color, height, and clothing description
  • a description of vehicles involved: color, make, damage

警察通讯司的任务是在公共安全和紧急援助方面充当校园社区与大学之间的联系. 通讯中心每周7天每天24小时都有经过认证的执法通讯人员, trained by the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and Vigo County 911 Office.

Communications Officers are responsible for answering calls for police, fire, emergency medical services, maintenance and escort services. They monitor fire, intrusion, 紧急和维护警报,并在发生这些情况时派遣所需的适当人员来纠正这些情况.

The blue light phone system provides a direct link to the ISU Police and 911 services. The Communications Center serves as the primary monitoring station for that system. Along with the telephone system, video cameras have been installed to increase security in the parking lots.

The Communications Center is equipped with the latest technology to efficiently serve the University community.

The Communications Center is here to help you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our staff.


请求在ISU拥有或控制的财产上操作无人机,该财产由不隶属于大学学术任务或赞助的任何人拥有或控制, will have the following guidelines:

Once granted, 国际州立大学公共安全部门可以通过国际州立大学电子邮件发送和“国际州立大学今日”公告发布校园通知

Violators of this procedure may be subject to trespass or referral to the university disciplinary process.

  • 国际滑联公共安全部门负责批准或拒绝批准无人机在国际滑联财产上的操作.
  • Requests must be made at least 2 business days prior to the operation of the UAVs.
  • 请通过局长办公室(电话:812-237-7829)或向行动队长(电话:812-237-4015)提出请求.
  • 所有无人机必须按照州法规和现行FAA规定飞行,包括许可和注册.
  • 具体的书面日期/时间将在所有飞行前至少2个工作日提供给公共安全部门.
  • Flying of UAVs will be limited to daylight hours.
  • Flying near Residence Halls, Classroom Buildings or indoors is restricted and must be specifically approved.
  • Any operation of UAVs indoors must be subject to and in accordance with individual facility use protocols.  The Building Coordinator should be notified.
  • 对学术和大学赞助请求的全面批准可通过国际滑联公共安全部门获得.

    All flight operators will wear reflective vests during flight operations.

    For all flight operations, 无人机飞行操作员将有责任从物业经理那里获得使用特定大学拥有地点的许可.

  • The Drone Flight Request Form can be found by clicking the following link Drone Flight Request Form

Campus Security Authortities (CSA)

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the "Clery Act"), 要求学院和大学汇编和公布发生在大学或其附近的某些刑事犯罪的统计数据. 克莱利法案要求向校园安全管理局(CSA)报告的某些犯罪必须包括在这些年度统计数据中. Therefore, CSA's must be identified and trained in their reporting responsibilities. 不恰当地识别和培训这些人可能会导致大学遭受巨额罚款,并危及第四章的资金.

Below are training documents for Campus Security Authorities:

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime/Incident Form

When utilizing this form serveral points need to be emphasized:

  • This form is intended for the gathering of information regarding reported Clery crimes only.  It is in no way meant to replace a police report.  如果你被告知犯罪发生在表格上列出的其中一个地区,你应该首先问这个人是否向警方报案.  If it has, you need not take further action.  This form should only be completed if the incident has not been reported to a law enforcement agency. 
  • Attempt to be as specific as possible when reporting the date, time and location of the crime.  这是必要的,以减少可能从多个来源向我们报告的“双重报告”犯罪的可能性.
  • With regard to the location of the crime, we are not only required to gather information  or incidents that occur on campus and in residence halls, non-campus and off campus facilities controlled by the University, such as Greek houses, and public property adjoining the campus.  This would include public streets and sidewalks that border the campus.
  • Types of crimes to be reported – only the more serious crimes need to be reported under the Clery Act, these are listed on the form.  If you have any doubt that the incident fits under one of the crimes listed, briefly explain what happened in the narrative space provided and send the form to Public Safety.
  • Please complete the section pertaining to “hate crimes”.  For purposes of the Clery Act, a hate crime would be committed when the motive for any of the crimes listed on the form was the victim’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability.  It is important to point out that the victim need not actually be a member of one of these groups.  如果犯罪者认为受害者是受保护阶层的成员,该事件仍将被视为仇恨犯罪.
  • 为受害者提供了一个空格,以便提供他/她的姓名和电话号码,尽管这不是必需的.  Under the Clery Act you should report Clery crimes even if they are provided anonymously.  In addition, we must also include hearsay information in our statistics.  If you are given information by a student about a crime that occurred to his/her roommate, for example, we must include it.
  • One of the attached forms should be submitted for each incident you report.  All completed forms should be mailed to Aaron Sloan.  I will compile the information and report it as required.  Please feel free to make as many copies of the blank form as you feel you might need.

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Crime/Incident Form

The Clery Act-Campus Security Authority Guide

Clery Crime Definitions

Clery Drone Flight Request Form

Clery Training Video

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training Presentation

Chapter 4 of The Campus Safety and Security Reporting Handbook; Collecting Statistics: Campus Security Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies